Going Thru the Motions???

Need some way to earn $$$ in this Economy...watch this!

A TIMELY Word From Leigh

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It has been a while since I have been on here!!!

Life is just flying by! So much to update on... George has been working since mid- Oct! It is only contract and may end in Jan :( The company that let him go due to a buy out is the ones that hired him back temporarily. He has to fix the mess that was made after he left. It is a horrible place to work and people are bailing out left and right. We need the income but we are still searching for a perm job with insurance.

Adam just got home last night with u-haul in tow. Yes he has moved back home. He needs to regroup and make plans. Orlando just didn't pay well because the University was cranking out so many that stayed in the area causing pay to be low. Good choice to move out of there!!

Amanda is .....MOODY!!! enough said!

I have enjoyed this Christmas season. I have went to Teas, and Plays! Fun Fun Fun. I am also a duck...letting most things roll right on off. The tree is half decorated but lots of presents fully wrapped and ready ahead of schedule. No last minute rushing this year. Although my back is out of wack! I tripped over the dog in the Kitchen jolting my already troublesome back...just before we had to go upstairs and clean out one room to make room for the stuff to come out of Adam's room for him to move in. NOT FUN!

It is Christmas Eve YAY! George is at work and will hopefully have a shorter day than usuall...I doubt it! Something always goes phoeey at the wrong time...my time! We are staying home this year just the 4 of us.

My mother in law is coming in Friday for my hubby to drive her to Savannah for her sisters Funeral on Sat. Bummer! That is the 2nd death in a week of people I know. It is Christmas ...We don't want bah hum bug right now!

Got to run....HUNGRY is taking over!!!

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